Benvenuto nella pagina delle FAQ. Qui puoi trovare le risposte alle domade più frequenti sui nostri prodotti.
Can I use one license on more than one computer?
I lost my license key, can you please resend it to me?
Can I use the program on a computer without an internet connection?
Is there a limit to the number of entries in the database?
System Requirements
Is your software compatible with Windows 10?
Will your software run on 64-bit Windows?
How do I order multiple licenses for the same product?
How can I enter my discount coupon code?
Do you charge extra for credit card orders?
What is your refund policy?
I receive an error message when ordering, now what?
I have already ordered, but have not received my license yet?
My license key can't be validated, now what?
How can I contact you directly for customer support?
"Trial expired"
I have a new email address, how can I let you know?
How do I uninstall the software?
How do I transfer the data and software to another computer?
I have upgraded the program but I still see the old version's number. Why?
If I upgrade to a newer version, will I have to re-enter all my data?
I am having connection problems, please help?
I can't open the Help file.
I can't open the PDF User's Guide.
Each time I start the program I need to input my license key.
When I start the program I get "gdiplus.dll not being found (error 126)". Why ?
An Access Violation error message is displayed, what do I do?
"Not a valid Win32 application"

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